Spirit Matters
A meditation by Simone Pentel
OCTOBER 13, 2019
Imagine that Jesus is standing right next to you, speak to him on a heart to heart level. Sense his uplifting presence.
Speak out loud:
I open my heart to Christ to the Spirit of Wisdom, Revelation and Truth.
I invite your searching gaze into my heart to see if there are any paths of pain that I am walking in.
Please remove anything from my inner world that holds me back or discourages me.
I bring all areas of darkness to the light of Christ so that my soul can be set free to travel paths of light.
See Jesus standing before you, with arms open wide. His eyes are gentle and full of kindness. He radiates love, and as you approach him you experience a profound sense of welcome and wellbeing.
Hear his words of encouragement deep within your heart.
I am with you
I love you
You are important to me
There is a purpose to your life
I forgive you
You have a second chance, a more positive future ahead
Do not despair
Trust me, rely on me
I will give you strength and courage to face every situation
I have amazing answers you have not yet seen
Meditate on these words of Jesus (below) allow them to settle in your heart.
Spend time soaking in these words and they will strengthen your spirit.